Kiril Radoslavov

Kiril Radoslavov

365 and Office 365 Enthusiast, looking to find great solutions using Microsoft Ecosystem with less or no code, to resolve day-to-day user's and company's problems. Currently, Dynamics 365 Consults and Microsoft Certifies Solution Expert. "when one teaches, two are learning" is what I like to say, and this is why apart of building solutions, training people on different Office 365 products is one of my main focus, and I'm sure that somewhere there are people with great ideas, just looking for motivation and a little knowledge to make them real. I like boing out of my comfort zone, and this is why I'm always open to new ideas or a crazy one for new projects and automations.

Guest Appearances

  • Custom Connectors in Power Automate
    60 Minutes 

    Power Platform 24 Conference 2021

    Connect to any service that you want or extend an existing connector with Custom Connectors in Power Automate. Some people are scared of using them, as it looks to advanced, but i will show you that it is actually easier than you think by building our own custom connector.